At East Valley Community Health
Center, we are proud to serve
individuals across many stages
of life, from prenatal services
to pediatrics to senior care.

We cater to your needs.
Our team of health care providers are dedicated to delivering
each patient with quality, affordable medical care with each visit.

Comprehensive medical services at East Valley include yearly physical checkups, preventative care, health screenings, immunizations, chronic care treatment, x-rays, and lab work for patients of all ages.

At East Valley’s Women’s Health Department,
you will find devoted and considerate
professionals who provide detailed care for
women at every stage of their lives.
This includes family planning, prenatal,
pediatric, and senior care services.
Family Planning Services
Family Planning services include:
STD Testing & Treatment • HIV Tests • Condoms
Birth Control • Emergency Contraception
Pelvic Exams (Pap Smears) • Pregnancy Testing
Health Education • Counseling
Gynocology Services (GYN)
Our GYN services were created to help improve the lives of women by integrating personalized care through wellness and treatment. These beneficial services include family planning, pregnancy testing, contraceptive services, counseling, testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections (STI’s), general gynecological treatment, and annual exams including pap smears, breast exams and colposcopies.
Prenatal Services
As part of our comprehensive pre and post –natal care, East Valley offers prenatal medical services, nutrition, health education, prenatal dental services, psychosocial case management services and support to address the patients’ full spectrum of needs. Our prenatal education classes cover topics such as maintaining a healthy pregnancy, infant care, childbirth preparation, car seat safety, etc. Our post-partum care includes medical visits for mom and newborn as well as necessary support to navigate this new family life cycle.
Mammography Services
We offer mammograms for women over 40
who qualify, and/or patients with symptoms.
We help patients who are going through menopause with services such as hormone replacement, evaluations, and patient education.


East Valley Community Health Center
offers Pediatric services to meet
the needs of every child.
Services Include:
Well Child Exams
Sports Clearance Exams
Acute & Chronic Conditions
Coordinating Care for New Immigrant Children
Coordinating Care for Childhood Obesity
Nutrition Education
WIC Referrals
Well-Child Check Up Schedule
Visits for your child can include physical measurements, patient history, sensory screenings, behavioral assessments, and planned procedures (immunizations, screenings and other tests).
After 4 years of age, you will need your child to be seen once, every year for an annual check-up.

We offer Primary Care and Confidential Teen Health Services for our adolescent youth.
Primary Care Services
Primary Care Services for teens (ages 17 & under) require parental consent.
Family Medicine • Sports Physicals • Optometry
Dental Services • Immunizations • Nutrition Education • Counseling • Additional Services
Confidential Services
Confidential Teen Health Services for teens (ages 12 - 18) do not require parental consent.
Teen Pregnancy Prevention • Birth Control
Condoms • Emergency Contraception
STI Testing & Treatment • HIV Testing
Pregnancy Testing • Health Education
For more information
connect with our Teen Health Liaison
Text: (909) 235-0368

Our Community Integration Services program brings health, behavioral, legal and social services to recently incarcerated persons.
The program at East Valley works to improve the health outcomes, reduce the rate of re-incarceration, and create lasting and social safety nets for justice-involved individuals.
To be eligible for the program, participants must live in LA County, be eligible for Medi-Cal, and have
been released from prison or county jail in the past 12 months.
East Valley Community Health Center is dedicated to serving all individuals throughout our communities. We have a program aimed at serving individuals who are facing homelessness. We work to provide these individuals with the resources they need to live healthy lives.